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Gradient Energy's World Leading AI

Save Big and Earn Using Your EV

Enrolling in our network can save you up to $700 on charging your electric vehicle (EV) annually.* Our charging optimization AI is the most advanced in the world and can save you more than any other.


Enroll in our network and earn as much as $1,000 in cash annually in addition to the savings. You earn by supporting the California grid when it needs it most.

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- How it Works -

Our AI saves you money by optimizing your charging

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Sign up to join our network

Register below to connect your EV and charger to our network and Virtual Power Plant. We’ll help you with the rest.

*Gradient Energy will assist you when it's time to connect your car and utility account.

Earn by supporting the California grid

When the grid is under stress at peak times, the utility sends a message to reduce demand. This is called Demand Response.


Demand Response programs pay a premium to avoid electricity usage. To earn, you must be enrolled in a Virtual Power Plant.

Participating in our VPP can earn you more than $1,000 in cash per year.*

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A seamless experience

We make demand response events seamless. Our sophisticated AI prepares your vehicle before the event so you have the freedom to get where you want when you want.


We handle everything for you so all you receive is a message telling you how much you saved.

World leading, reliable performance

Gradient Energy’s AI will handle everything for you

We use cutting-edge machine learning (AI) techniques to optimize your vehicle’s charging. We use some of the same technology and algorithms behind ChatGPT. Simply plug in your vehicle and our advanced software handles the rest. You can specify your preferences such as minimum battery levels. Don’t worry, our AI models learn and optimize for your behavior.


Our AI can save you as much as $700 per EV per year, on top of your earnings from our VPP.* If you have multiple EVs, solar panels, or batteries, we can save you even more!


*Savings estimates vary based on driving behaviors and user preferences.

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Recoup the cost of your EV

Join our network and save up to $700 and earn as much as $1,000 on top of that*

*Benefits include revenue and savings. Payout depends on participation and charging behavior. A compatible charger is required.

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Register with Gradient Energy to participate and use our AI

Thanks for registering!

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